Check out the latest episode of PSPod in which Drs. Karen Rowland-Yeo, Priya Jayachandran, Jane Knochel, and Brian Cicacli chat about Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology’s latest themed issue: Pregnancy/Lactation. They share their thoughts on choosing this theme, how they hope this research will move clinical pharmacology and translational science forward, and which papers caught their eye and sparked their interest.
Episodes: ASCPT Podcast Channel
PSP Call for Papers: Model-Based Innovations in Pediatric Rare Disease
Join PSP Associate Editors Ping Zhao and Rajat Desikan as well as former Editor-in-Training Jane Knöchel as they discuss the journal’s latest Call for Papers “Model-Based Innovations in Pediatric Rare Disease.” Find out why the PSP Editorial Team chose to highlight this topic in 2025, what types of submissions they’re hoping to receive, why publishing in a themed issue can boost the profile of your research, and more!
Learn More About ASCPT’s Editors-in-Training Program
Interested in learning more about the ASCPT Journal Family’s Editor-in-Training (EIT) program? Listen as current EITs Drs. Jane Knöchel and Zachary Taylor, along with former EIT and current Clinical and Translational Science Associate Editor Dr. Brian Ferslew, share their experiences with the program. Applications for the 6th EIT cohort are being accepted through June 20, 2024. If you have any questions about the program or applying, please contact Deputy Managing Editor Alaina Webster at [email protected].